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Jesse Freeman. I am from Baltimore, MD USA. I have lived in Japan for 8 years. I do black and white photography shooting mostly in film. I self develop and print my own work and exhibit frequently here in Japan, Australia, Sweden, and the US. I also write direct short films and have done 6 films in the last three years that have all screened in Tokyo. In addition I have been studying ikebana under the Sogetsu School for the last 7 years and am certified ikebana artist. With these mediums, I try to carry a minimal geometric compositional aesthetic approach to my work.

Jesse Freeman

1987年12月11日生まれ、埼玉県出身、生まれは兵庫県、24歳よりカメラマンとして活動、2015年に、今作の展示会場と同じ浅草橋にて、個展[where are you going?]を開催。


好きな写真家 : 植田正治、ロベール・ドアノー

​好きな食べ物 : カレー

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